The principles of teaching are the “rules of laws” which the trainer is applied in a teaching situation for the clear and better understanding of the students.  It is found, if these principles are correctly applied, and followed during teaching steps then the learning becomes more sound and effective.
 These are mainly :
1)            Teach from known to unknown: - Any new should be based or connected with some previous (Recall) knowledge and experience.
This helps easy and better understanding, results, to better learning. This is based on the laws of association and understanding.
2)            Teach from Simple to Complex: - The portion of items or part of the syllabus, which can be understood by the learners easily or with less trouble should be taught first. The teacher should gradually teach more difficult or harder items.   This is based on the laws of “Understanding, satisfaction, and graded steps”.
3)            Teach from observation to reasoning:- Let the learners observe a thing or function then allow them to think (reason) what it is, how it is working, what is the principle etc.
By the process, their thinking and understanding ability will increase. This is based on the laws of association, purpose, and understanding.  
4)            Teach from general to particular: - At first about a subject matter or a machine etc. is given a general and common idea. This helps to prepare his mind and form an idea about the subject. Then teach him the specific items by items, as his mind is already prepared, his understanding and grasping capacity will be more.
This is based on the laws of readiness, association, and understanding.
5)            Teach from whole to parts and parts to whole again: - At first teach the whole machine or so, its use, performance etc.  Then teach the learner’s gradually step-by-step different parts and their functions etc.
But in the end, the parts should be united or assembled to give the shape of the whole machine.  So otherwise, learners forget the things.  This is based on the laws of association, and understanding.  
6)            Teach from concrete to abstract: - In cases where the mental idea is to form (like energy, power etc.) then at first give an idea or teach him to form a mental idea about the things. This is based on the laws of “association” and understanding.  
7)            Teach from learner’s level: - Any teaching should be done according to the mental and physical ability of learner.  If it is beyond his capacity, he cannot learn. This is based on the laws of understanding and satisfaction.
8)            Give practice for perfection: - In any teaching arrangement for doing (Practice) of the learners. Arrange for repeating (more practice). If a man does more practice his learning will be more perfect.


There are three elements or main/focal area that concern educational psychologist and teacher
a)            The learner.
b)            The learning process.
c)            The learning situation.

a) THE LEARNER – By the word learner it means the student, who individually and collectively comprise the classroom group the person on whose behalf the educational Programme exists and operates.
The learner is more important of the three elements, because, without the learner, there is no learning unless someone is learning, there is no teaching. As there is no selling without customers.
b) THE LEARNING PROCESS – By the “Learning Process” we mean actions and interactions which go on when people learn. Learning is always a continuous process. It is the process by which people acquire change on the behavior, improve performance, re-organizing their thinking or discover new ways of behaving with new concepts and information.
c) THE LEARNING SITUATION – The learning situation refers to the factor or condition that affects the learner or the learning process. The teacher is one element in the learning situation.
  •              The part played by the teacher.
  •              The classroom setting.
  •              The attitude and behavior of the teacher.
  •              The moral of the classroom.
  •              The emotional climate of the school.

THE LEARNING PROCESS: - By the learning process we mean action and interaction which go on when people learn.
TYPES OF LEARNING PROCESS: - Basically two major types with many subdivision.

a)            INCIDENTAL LEARNING: - Knowledge, information, skill or technique which is “learned” without any conscious effort to learn on the part of the individual learner. Usually a mixture of good and bad points. The instructor can hold “good points” by setting a good example “Always” to his class, e.g. punctually, discipline, neatness, etc.
b)            DELIBERATE LEARNING: - Takes place when the trainee is presented with some new knowledge, information, skill and technique and a “deliberate” or conscious effort is made to learn and reproduced it when needed. It is this type of learning, which mostly concerns the trade or craft training.

The principle sub-divisions of this type are:-
A) ROTE LEARNING – It is a process of memorizing by verbal or physical repetition.
Advantages: - Once learned by this method, the material rarely forgotten completely.
Disadvantages: - Subject to boredom and fatigue while learning – interest reduces.
These disadvantages must be avoided by:                                                                                    

1) Severely restricting the period of rote learning.
2) Planning to give variation to the training programme.
a) Early performance must be completely accurate in every step, otherwise, the result will be useless.
b) Frequent and accurate repetition is necessary for a practical period.
c) Un-necessary fatigue and boredom must be avoided.
B) MECHANICAL LEARNING: - Known as “Learning by the selection of the successful variant” or “trial and error learning”. It takes by the successive application of various solutions to a problem until the correct answer is found.
a)            Student’s appreciation or awareness of the nature of the studies or activities involved.
b)            The complexity of the knowledge of skill required.
c)            The quality of the success with which he will satisfy.
d)            Student’s natural aptitude.
a)            The use of such a learning process tends to be slow.
b)            Time consuming.
C) RATIONAL LEARNING: - It is a logical process and with the carefully planned programme will give maximum efficiency and implementation to any training scheme.
It involves “Full” understanding of new knowledge or skill or basic principle of new information. It is the most efficient learning process.

Advantages: - Has maximum transmitted knowledge to a new situation. Knowledge gained is retained much longer by the student. Big saving of time.

Disadvantages: - Make maximum demand for skill, information and knowledge on the part of the instructor and also on the reasoning power of the students.
FEATURE: Instructors must constantly motivate the student to use the learning process.
He should:-
1.            Arouse interest and make important to each student personally.
2.            Arrange for the student to have experience of a large number of examples.
3.            Arrange for essential to be mixed up with the nonessential to give smooth balance.
