Things You Probably Didn't Know About LAWS OF LEARNING

Laws or rules are based on the research of famous educators, philosophers, doctors and psychologist over hundred’s of years. (Research-Experiments and observations about human reactions under different teaching condition).
There are many laws of learning used in teaching and learning situations, out of which, the following are some of the important learning laws.

1.    LAW OF READINESS: It is found that a learner learns more and better when he is mentally ready to learn the new item or subject. When the mind is properly stimulated (to excite), the responsibility for action on learning will be automatic.
2.    LAW OF PURPOSE: Learner takes more interest in learning when he finds some purpose and need of that learning. If the purpose and need are more connected with every day or future work the interest in learning will be more.
This is applicable with “Why step” and also “tell and show step”.
3.    LAW OF UNDERSTANDING: There can not be any good and correct learning without understanding. Learning without understanding cannot be remembered for long. Understanding is the base and stimulation for further learning. Hence any good result of learning is based on understanding.
It is applicable in “tell and shows” step of the lesson.
4.    LAW OF SATISFACTION:  Every learner must be satisfied in the learning. Satisfaction in learning depends on understanding, answering, solving the problem, performing jobs, etc. satisfaction is more when performance show good result.
It is found learner takes more interest in further learning when he is satisfied in present learning. For new learners response or interest for next learning depends on much on his performances during initial learning. Hence the teacher should teach carefully, correctly, and with an easy method, also allot easier jobs.
5.    LAW OF ASSOCIATION: New learning is based on some previous knowledge and experience. New Knowledge associates or connects with previous knowledge for easy and clear understanding.
This is the help or makes better learning and long remembering.
There are different types of association:-
a)    Association by Similarity:- Things similar in some way-
Example- i) man, ii)     the machine, iii) work, iv) color, v) taste, etc.
b)    Association by continuity:- Things and results are continuous-
Example- Type of machine, what type of work is done by it.
c)    Association by contrast:- (Opposition) Things opposite in character-
Example- Good teacher with a bad teacher, Good machine with bad machine.
d)    Association by cause and effect:- Result of any action of work-
Example- Electricity with fan power, Accident with injury.

6.    LAW OF GRADED STEP: Learning cannot be done continuously. Brain and other parts of our body need rest. If learning goes on continuously without rest then the brain will be tired with fatigue. Then learning will be less and that learning cannot be remembered long.
      Learning amount                                   X      
      So learning should continue systematically (in sequence) and some rest in between. In the figure “X” portion are learning portion and “A” portion are resting portion or no learning periods. Applicable for why and tell & show step.
7.    LAW OF RECENCY-(NEW):- It is found that the learning which is learned recently can be remembered easily. But much of the old learning’s are forgotten. The learning can be made recent in the following ways.
Method: - i) Revision, ii) Assignment (Home task), iii) Regular test.  
8.    LAW OF EXERCISE: No learning can be full and accurate without exercise, means the practice or doing. It may be a mental or physical practice. Every learning there should be sufficient or proper doing or practice for proper understanding and good learning.
According to this law, the more times a stimulus-induced response is repeated, the longer it will be retained. As Thorndike put it, “Others things being equal, exercise strengthens the bond between situation and response”. Conversely, a bond is weakened through failure to exercise it. 
 It is applicable in “DO” step and “TEST” step of the lesson. 
