When we are interested in an activity or we real emerge to do it, we pay active attention to it, our performance will be quick and efficient. If an activity in forced on us against our desire, we do it but attention will be nominal and performance poor. In the first case there is strong good motivation, in the second, motivation if at all there is, it is poor in quality and strength. When people are highly motivated, they work intensively and accomplish more than they do when working in the routine way.
Learners learn only when they are ready to learn. It is quite natural that human mind is always busy in thinking something or the other. So, it is necessary to attract attention of the learners towards us to make out teaching successful, they are to be fully motivated before every new lesson is presented.
MOTIVATION: There are so many definition used in educational field, out of which a few are mentioned here.
“Motivation can be defined as the process whereby a person can be internally or externally stimulated towards an activity”. Motivation is the impulsion based on a need to do something to satisfy that need.
“Motivation is nothing but providing a sort of inducement to action. It is the process by which the pupil’s will do work is maintained.
A motive is a drive which aims for a goal, we can say: - DRIVE + GOAL = MOTIVE.
Motivation is a moving force or stimulus which precedes a behaviour or an act.
KIND OF MOTIVATION: Motivation can be broadly classified into two kinds:-
1) NATURAL OR INTRINSIC MOTIVATION: is that which originates from within a students own personality structure. Intrinsic motivation is defined as a “State in which an individual wants to do or learn for its own sake”. It is more effective in learning situation.
2) ARTIFICIAL OR EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION: it is define as a “State in which an individual does or learns something, not for his own sake but as a means of obtaining desired goal”. It is less effective than natural motivation.
For motivation following elements are good.
a) Good objective for learning is a suitable element for motivation.
b) Success, pleasantness, personality of an Instructor, knowledge of progress and incentives etc., are the elements of motivation.
1. Motivation has four effects on learning:-
a) it assists in initiating learning.
b) It helps in directing learning, learning towards a particular worth while educational goal.
c) It aids in continuance of learning especially when obstacles of difficulties arise.
d) It contributes to reinforcement of learning.
2. Motivation implies student activity and this contributes its chief value in the educational situation, since learning is by its natural active process.
3. Motivation results in greater effort on the part of the student. It makes that effort more pleasant and more enjoyable.
4. Motivation stimulates a wide variety of responses and solutions.
5. Motivation helps to remove the lack of willingness on the part of the student to learn.
Motivation is an integral part of teaching. It should help the students to form cooperative habits instead of rivalry habits. The following are some successful class room motivation techniques.
Instructor should:-
a) Be aware of biological need of the learner.
b) Use teaching techniques suitable to the age and mental development of the trainees.
c) Promote more class room security.
d) Develop the spirits of independence.
e) Make the learner to participate in learning.
f) Create pleasant situation in the class.
g) Provide incentive for learning.
h) Present impressive visual aids.
i) Create problem solving situation.
j) Set goal for every activity.
k) Watch the learner’s health against fatigue.
l) Inform the progress of his students.
m) Provide learning by learning situation.
The various sources from which a learner could draw inspiration to get properly motivated are as follows:-
1. A good teacher himself.
2. A favorable learning situation.
3. Encouraging attitude of all concerned.
4. Ample of opportunities to develop total personality.
Motivation very much depends on need of a person. Some persons have their specific needs they understand the necessity of it and learn accordingly. The immediate and long range needs incite a learner to learn effectively.
In order to create motivation in an individual, there are various methods to be followed. Some of these are:-
1. By telling the necessity and importance of knowing new information and how the same will help them in their carrier.
2. By telling the relevant personal experience in the trade.
3. By telling some chances with in the future in Industrial field.
4. By personal and group activities. Motivation may being the form of personal need or group need.
5. By giving recognition and security.
6. By use of rewards.
7. By encouraging greater responsibilities.
8. By knowing the trainees.
The learners come for learning with many hopes and aims. Some of them have desire to improve their position or social standing and to obtain better benefits from life. Their minds are not matured to keep them firm on their decision and they may loose their interest. It may happen during one class lesson as well as during the period of training. Hence the Instructor should be quite tactful to deal with the young learners to sustain the interest among them (trainees for continuous learning).
A few of the following tips will guide the Instructor to help him in sustaining the interest amongst the learners:
1. The behavior of the Instructor towards his learners should be such that they feel that he is their own man, their guardian and their right teacher.
2. The method of teaching should not be such that they feel a burden over their shoulder but they should feel pleasure in the learning.
3. The Instructor should show interest equally to individual learner.
4. The Instructor should encourage competition in learning activities.
5. The Instructor should give the credit to the work well done.
6. The instructor should be impartial in his judgment.
7. The instructor should regard the deserving learner for outstanding work.
8. The instructor should try to provide favourable working condition.
9. The instructor should keep the entire class active with appropriate assignment.
10. The instructor should not find fault only with the job done by the learner. First he should point out the operation well done and appreciate his work and then show the defects and explain how they could be rectified.
11. The instructor should not give lengthy job to the learner, because they are keen to see its final appearance as early as possible.
12. The instructor should preserve the job done by the learners to let them feel that there is a value of the efforts made by them in making those jobs.
13. The instructor should not abuse a learner for any mistake in front of his fellow metes. Reprimand him in a separate place.
14. The instructor should work along with trainees to help them.
There are so many causes to loose interest of the learners during training, some of them mentioned below:-
a) Learners having: b) Because the Instructor:
i. Poor physique. i) Offers unnecessary criticism.
ii. Bad company. Ii) Gives bad treatment.
iii. Fatigue (over work). Iii) Gives the work beyond the capacity of the learner
iv. Repulsion. iv) Has no self discipline.
v. Worry. v) Has inadequate preparation for teaching.
vi. Financial difficulties. vi) Teaching through dictation.
vii) Have defects in methods of instruction.
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When we are interested in an activity or we real emerge to do it, we pay active attention to it, our performance will be quick and efficient. If an activity in forced on us against our desire, we do it but attention will be nominal and performance poor. In the first case there is strong good motivation, in the second, motivation if at all there is, it is poor in quality and strength. When people are highly motivated, they work intensively and accomplish more than they do when working in the routine way.
Learners learn only when they are ready to learn. It is quite natural that human mind is always busy in thinking something or the other. So, it is necessary to attract attention of the learners towards us to make out teaching successful, they are to be fully motivated before every new lesson is presented.
MOTIVATION: There are so many definition used in educational field, out of which a few are mentioned here.
“Motivation can be defined as the process whereby a person can be internally or externally stimulated towards an activity”. Motivation is the impulsion based on a need to do something to satisfy that need.
“Motivation is nothing but providing a sort of inducement to action. It is the process by which the pupil’s will do work is maintained.
A motive is a drive which aims for a goal, we can say: - DRIVE + GOAL = MOTIVE.
Motivation is a moving force or stimulus which precedes a behaviour or an act.
KIND OF MOTIVATION: Motivation can be broadly classified into two kinds:-
1) NATURAL OR INTRINSIC MOTIVATION: is that which originates from within a students own personality structure. Intrinsic motivation is defined as a “State in which an individual wants to do or learn for its own sake”. It is more effective in learning situation.
2) ARTIFICIAL OR EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION: it is define as a “State in which an individual does or learns something, not for his own sake but as a means of obtaining desired goal”. It is less effective than natural motivation.
For motivation following elements are good.
a) Good objective for learning is a suitable element for motivation.
b) Success, pleasantness, personality of an Instructor, knowledge of progress and incentives etc., are the elements of motivation.
1. Motivation has four effects on learning:-
a) it assists in initiating learning.
b) It helps in directing learning, learning towards a particular worth while educational goal.
c) It aids in continuance of learning especially when obstacles of difficulties arise.
d) It contributes to reinforcement of learning.
2. Motivation implies student activity and this contributes its chief value in the educational situation, since learning is by its natural active process.
3. Motivation results in greater effort on the part of the student. It makes that effort more pleasant and more enjoyable.
4. Motivation stimulates a wide variety of responses and solutions.
5. Motivation helps to remove the lack of willingness on the part of the student to learn.
Motivation is an integral part of teaching. It should help the students to form cooperative habits instead of rivalry habits. The following are some successful class room motivation techniques.
Instructor should:-
a) Be aware of biological need of the learner.
b) Use teaching techniques suitable to the age and mental development of the trainees.
c) Promote more class room security.
d) Develop the spirits of independence.
e) Make the learner to participate in learning.
f) Create pleasant situation in the class.
g) Provide incentive for learning.
h) Present impressive visual aids.
i) Create problem solving situation.
j) Set goal for every activity.
k) Watch the learner’s health against fatigue.
l) Inform the progress of his students.
m) Provide learning by learning situation.
The various sources from which a learner could draw inspiration to get properly motivated are as follows:-
1. A good teacher himself.
2. A favorable learning situation.
3. Encouraging attitude of all concerned.
4. Ample of opportunities to develop total personality.
Motivation very much depends on need of a person. Some persons have their specific needs they understand the necessity of it and learn accordingly. The immediate and long range needs incite a learner to learn effectively.
In order to create motivation in an individual, there are various methods to be followed. Some of these are:-
1. By telling the necessity and importance of knowing new information and how the same will help them in their carrier.
2. By telling the relevant personal experience in the trade.
3. By telling some chances with in the future in Industrial field.
4. By personal and group activities. Motivation may being the form of personal need or group need.
5. By giving recognition and security.
6. By use of rewards.
7. By encouraging greater responsibilities.
8. By knowing the trainees.
The learners come for learning with many hopes and aims. Some of them have desire to improve their position or social standing and to obtain better benefits from life. Their minds are not matured to keep them firm on their decision and they may loose their interest. It may happen during one class lesson as well as during the period of training. Hence the Instructor should be quite tactful to deal with the young learners to sustain the interest among them (trainees for continuous learning).
A few of the following tips will guide the Instructor to help him in sustaining the interest amongst the learners:
1. The behavior of the Instructor towards his learners should be such that they feel that he is their own man, their guardian and their right teacher.
2. The method of teaching should not be such that they feel a burden over their shoulder but they should feel pleasure in the learning.
3. The Instructor should show interest equally to individual learner.
4. The Instructor should encourage competition in learning activities.
5. The Instructor should give the credit to the work well done.
6. The instructor should be impartial in his judgment.
7. The instructor should regard the deserving learner for outstanding work.
8. The instructor should try to provide favourable working condition.
9. The instructor should keep the entire class active with appropriate assignment.
10. The instructor should not find fault only with the job done by the learner. First he should point out the operation well done and appreciate his work and then show the defects and explain how they could be rectified.
11. The instructor should not give lengthy job to the learner, because they are keen to see its final appearance as early as possible.
12. The instructor should preserve the job done by the learners to let them feel that there is a value of the efforts made by them in making those jobs.
13. The instructor should not abuse a learner for any mistake in front of his fellow metes. Reprimand him in a separate place.
14. The instructor should work along with trainees to help them.
There are so many causes to loose interest of the learners during training, some of them mentioned below:-
a) Learners having: b) Because the Instructor:
i. Poor physique. i) Offers unnecessary criticism.
ii. Bad company. Ii) Gives bad treatment.
iii. Fatigue (over work). Iii) Gives the work beyond the capacity of the learner
iv. Repulsion. iv) Has no self discipline.
v. Worry. v) Has inadequate preparation for teaching.
vi. Financial difficulties. vi) Teaching through dictation.
vii) Have defects in methods of instruction.