A.  Psychology means the Science of Human & Animal behavior. The psychology which is applied to the teaching-learning situation is known as educational psychology. It is an applied branch being one of the main fields of psychology. It consists of the application of psychological principles and techniques to the development of educational strategies and programs and to the solution of educational problems. The main function is that of helping peoples who are involved in education to develop a better theoretically and functional understanding of the educational process.



The psychology of learning has a special significance to a person, interested in the field of industrial training. The reason for this is quite plain. The seeds of learning are always sown in the brain or mind. So the science of mind engulfs (covers) everything related to learning and teaching.

The objectives of education are more general and these of training more specific. The figures shown below brings out the interrelation between education and training.

          T R A I N I N G                                                      E D U C A T I O N

Broadly speaking training goals at developing an industrial in the spheres of vocational skills, related knowledge, and attitude. A person can not play a profession successfully unless he is through with the skills implied therein. The related professional knowledge is desirable to have a versatile (wide) background of the profession. Without this professional upgrading would not be possible.

Background knowledge enables a person to use his direction whenever the same is required to be exercised. Otherwise, he would simply “do as told”. The importance of attitude surpasses both skill and knowledge. One may possess any amount of professional skills and knowledge. Skill and knowledge remaining constant performance are proportional to the attitude towards work. Present-day the trend has demonstrated the truth of this hypothesis beyond doubt.

In an organized effort (called training) the development of skill, knowledge, and attitude is carried out through the process of teaching. The process of human development, by way of definition, means unfolding, out of originally unorganized individual human functions. It follows from this definition that natural potential (through heredity) should be possessed by the individual so that it could be developed through training. The natural potential for specific functions is called aptitude. There is a possibility that so people may mix up the term attitude and aptitude. Aptitude is the basic ability to perform a particular function, whereas, attitude means the will to perform. Training can develop an attitude and aptitude. Aptitude is a pre-requisite in a learner before the start of the teaching process. Aptitude can be developed but generally can not be changed totally but attitude can be developed and changed through training. 


 The acquirement of new knowledge, skill, and technique which can be reproduced at will in response to a given stimulus or situation. Learning is a change in behavior.


Learning feeds on success.

Adjusting the human being to this changing world.

Common and agreed facts about the learning process that are:-

1. Learning is essentially a natural process – a process of growing.

2. Essentially an “active process”. Such activeness being with either mental or physical or combination of both.

3. A continuous process that begins at birth and continues throughout life. (the saying “Never too old to learn” comes from this)

4. Learning is a slow and continuous process and becomes easy when goes from simple to complex.   

5. Learning through the involvement of senses is more effective, clear and deep-rooted.

Teaching and learning are clearly two different processes, (through inter-related). The process of teaching has to abide by the factors of learning. And for this reason, the teaching techniques have to take a clue from the learning process. Any effort to improve the efficiency of the teaching process would fail unless it is well connected and based on the basic factors/principles of learning.

Eliminate Your Fears And Doubts About THEORIES OF LEARNING
